The 2023 Holiday Potluck Dinner is Thursday December 14

The annual club potluck dinner will occur on Thursday December 14. The clubhouse doors will open around 5:30 and dinner will start between 6:00 and 6:30. Get there early, latecomers will be assigned KP duty.

Here’s what to bring based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-E: Deserts
  • F-K: Entrees
  • L-Q: Appetizers
  • R-Z: Salads

Here are some helpful hints:

• Bring an extension cord – with your name marked on it – if your dish needs to be kept warm (slow cooker; crock pot; warming plate, etc.).
• Same thing with serving plates and utensils: mark them, too – this is a rough crowd.
• The club will provide napkins, paper plates and plastic utensils.
• The club will also provide hot coffee, sugar/sweetener, bottled water and some sodas.
• A limited amount of spices – think salt and pepper – will be available.

Check your email for any late breaking news or email me if there are any questions: TinaLyn Sell