Conservation Outreach
GBF Salmon/Steelhead Classroom Egg Program – An annual educational classroom egg program, in close cooperation with the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. GBF equips classrooms with fish tanks to hatch and nurture salmon or steelhead (trout) fry through release in the river including formal training for teachers to effectively support the program’s goals of educating students on the fish’s life cycle. The egg program is in 70 area classrooms, grades 2 through 5, and has been in place since 1989. Frank Stolten administers this program with the help of volunteers. If you’d like to get involved, you can reach out to Frank here.
Annual Scholarship – GBF makes a substantial annual cash donation in support of a graduate student majoring in Fisheries Management at Cal Poly State University, Humboldt. Click link to read the letter of appreciation from the Dean of Natural Resources and Sciences.

TU Trout Camp entomology
Youth Trout Camp, Truckee Chapter of Trout Unlimited – Our club sends volunteers to help at this two-day event held near Lake Tahoe. Volunteer coaches are requested for casting, fly tying, knot tying, and untangling wind knots. Contact Robert Farley for volunteer opportunities. Come help a new generation find the same lightness of heart that you enjoy, rod in hand, legs in the stream! For more information on TU Truckee’s Trout Camp click on this link: