Next Monthly Meeting:

Thursday, February 13, 2025 7:00PM

January Monthly Program

Our speaker this month is well-known author Skip Morris, the author of twenty-one books on fly fishing and fly tying and over 300 magazine articles. Additionally, he has his own YouTube channel HERE with 33 videos to expand on various topics.

The spring 2014 issue of Fly Tyer magazine announced Skip as a winner of the magazine’s lifetime achievement award. Skip’s wife, Carol, provides much of the photography in Skip’s work and all the illustrations. They live on Washington’s lush Olympic Peninsula amid its myriad opportunities for both fresh and saltwater fly fishing.

His program will focus on “Fly Fishing for Largemouth Bass and Bluegills”

This is largely an instructional presentation–the flies and rods and lines and leaders and techniques and principles that will get you out and catching these much misunderstood and absolutely worthy fishes. But as with all Skip’s presentations, he promises it will be entertaining. Surprisingly, Skip has twice taken this presentation to the Deep South–the best bass water in the world–by request, to inform the local fly fishers on what they are missing and how to take advantage of what they have. Interest is clearly growing among fly fishers in this marvelous still-under-appreciated sport and opportunity.

visible line for spacing

Leader’s Line

We have had a great off-season run;  Chili Cook off and Swap Meet (thanks Drake)  and Pot Luck Dinner (thanks TinaLyn).  We have raised funds through early subscription to the Membership Drive and for early Annual Dinner ticket and raffle sales.

The off season continues.  The Annual Dinner raffles will have a second drawing extension.  We inadvertently published 2 dates, Nov 30th and Dec 30th. To be fair to those who got it done early, we will have a drawing for everyone entered prior to Nov 30.  A separate drawing for those entered Dec 1-Dec 30.   Planning and recruitment for the Annual Dinner continues;  Dave Stolecki needs volunteers. Many easy to do jobs exist; call him for a list (425-269-2038).

Our early in the year programs focus on springtime bass/bluegill opportunities.  Let’s pray for enough wet weather to fill our venues.

Our leadership for the Conservation group has had bad luck. At this point we need to start determining how much and to whom we donate.  Jeff Goodwin was our VP; he has had serious medical issues. We need another volunteer to take the reins.

And last but not least; call Henry Sandigo to volunteer for snacks at the general meeting.  There will be eblasts with further details, but talk with Henry to get all the dope.

To purchase your 2025 Annual Dinner tickets, please click here.

Let’s meet on the water.

Mike McKinley, GBF President 

New on the GBF site:

  • A reminder that all historic FLY TYING JAM recipes back to May of 2017 are available here in a single location under the Fly Tying menu tab. New to fly tying? Check out the educational links at the top of that page.
  • A list of all GBF past presidents all the way back to 1985 can be found here.
  • A list of GBF member achievers for the Fly Fishers International Fly Casting Skills Development Program is now available here.
  • Collectors and aficionados of vintage rods and reels will now find contact info for long-time expert Jim Adams of Adams Angling on the GBF Links page under Vintage Fly Gear, Books and More. A good source to check the value of granddads vintage fly gear.

Click here for online store

To join GBF, please click here.

To renew your 2025 Membership, please click here.

To purchase 2025 Annual Dinner tickets, please click here.

Dinner Tickets Reserved Members Renewed
Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin guestsRaised 83 guests towards the 200 guests target.83 guestsRaised 83 guests towards the 200 guests target.42%
Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin membersRaised 235 members towards the 350 members target.235 membersRaised 235 members towards the 350 members target.67%

“Maybe your stature as a fly fisherman isn’t determined by how big a trout you can catch, but by how small a trout you can catch without being disappointed.”

~ John Gierach,  Fly Fishing Small Streams – 1989

The December Leader
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Article of the Month

Tips & Trivia: Myths, Legends, Lies, & Other Fishing Facts – Ralph Cutter, California Fly Fisher 

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