Next Monthly Meeting:
Thursday, February 13, 2025 7:00PM
Monthly Program
Our speaker this month is Ryan Williams, a guide/fly tier & owner of North Valley Fly Fishing. He is best known for his re-discovering of the Float n’ Fly technique with the fly rod and its application for still water bass during the winter.
He is also the first fly angler in the US to win a major bass tournament using a fly rod. Ryan won the Wild West Bass Trail: Team tournament in January of 2021. There were 178 boats entered with most of the best bass pros in the state participating.
The topic of Ryan’s presentation will be the “Float n Fly for Bass.” This information can be applied to any bass waters in the state. Especially reservoirs such as Oroville, Folsom, Berryessa, etc. Ryan will cover everything you need to know from flies, rigs, presentation, gear, structures to look for, timing, and everything in between. The goal of this presentation will be to enable club members to get out and catch some bass on the fly independently, and likely close to home.
This is the beginning of the end of race sprint. Our members can do several things to make 2025 a great year.
- Buy your Annual Dinner tickets. Only 200 will be sold. There will be many great prizes, tasty food, and great companionship. Buy tickets HERE.
- Volunteer to help at the dinner. Contact Dave Stolecki. Lots of roles are easy to fill: help with the raffle, set up and clean up, prize runners, etc..
- Provide a prize; both fishing and non-fishing prizes are needed. Non-fishing prizes are easy: know a service provider like a CPA or mechanic? Ask that they donate their service. Have a time-share or summer cabin that is not being used, put it in the raffle. Buy a date night dinner and donate it. Are you a great cook? Donate a meal. PS: we still need desserts for the annual dinner. See Ron Fay’s article in this issue.
- Renew your membership. It’s easy and available online at the club website.
As the weather warms, the spring bass/bluegill bite warms up. Our members have been fishing and posting results on the club’s Facebook page. Thanks Gene and Scott. Now is the time to tie Jay Fair’s Wiggle Tail nymph, go HERE for the tying directions.
To purchase your 2025 Annual Dinner tickets, please click here.
Let’s meet on the water.
Mike McKinley, GBF President
New on the GBF site:
- Fly Fishing 101 for 2025 is now on the calendar. Mark yours for Feb 24 and 27 then register on the GBF event calendar.
- A reminder that all historic FLY TYING JAM recipes back to May of 2017 are available here in a single location under the Fly Tying menu tab. New to fly tying? Check out the educational links at the top of that page.
- A list of all GBF past presidents all the way back to 1985 can be found here.
- A list of GBF member achievers for the Fly Fishers International Fly Casting Skills Development Program is now available here.
- Collectors and aficionados of vintage rods and reels will now find contact info for long-time expert Jim Adams of Adams Angling on the GBF Links page under Vintage Fly Gear, Books and More. A good source to check the value of granddads vintage fly gear.
To join GBF, please click here.
To renew your 2025 Membership, please click here.
To purchase 2025 Annual Dinner tickets, please click here.
Dinner Tickets Reserved | Members Renewed | ||
“Maybe your stature as a fly fisherman isn’t determined by how big a trout you can catch, but by how small a trout you can catch without being disappointed.”
~ John Gierach, Fly Fishing Small Streams – 1989
The February Leader
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Article of the Month
Tips & Trivia: Myths, Legends, Lies, & Other Fishing Facts – Ralph Cutter, California Fly Fisher