Next Monthly Meeting:
Thursday, April 10, 2025 7:00PM
Granite Bay Flycasters 36th Annual Dinner – Sat Mar 29 2025, 4:00pm – 9:00pm – Rocklin Event Center
Last Minute Tickets Available at Annual Dinner Tickets
March Monthly Program
Our guest speaker in March is Jason Thatcher, a full-time river guide and owner of River Pursuit Guide Service on the Sacramento River near Red Bluff where he has held a guide license since 2002 with experience guiding in CA and AK with both jet and drift boats
Regarding his presentation, in Jason’s words: What I would like to share is that when it comes to the lower Sacramento River, there is life beyond Redding, and there is life beyond bobbers; and life is good!
I will be presenting information regarding the fly-fishing opportunities below Anderson and reaching all the way down to Corning. This stretch of water generally receives much less pressure, has a very dynamic variety of water types, and maybe best of all the opportunity to deploy tactics other than indicators.
Besides the typical indicator rig we often use dry-droppers, tight-line (euro) nymphing, dries, and a hybrid technique that combines a euro setup with an indicator that I haven’t found a name for yet.
I have invested a lot of time and effort in developing a tight-line rig that functions well in the big water, and I will share some of that practical knowledge.
Leader’s Line
The club’s Annual Dinner is March 29; as of March 3, it is approximately 80% sold out. Get your tickets now for this great event as it always sells out. The Grand Prize will be a Larry Lee rod, Sage reel, line and carry case. Other prizes are also excellent; including a fishing kayak. See Dave Stolecki’s eblasts. Raffle donations are needed. Non-fishing items work well. Non-fishing items might be a dinner certificate, an oil change, or anything similar. Don’t be shy; ask your family members, boss or neighbor to donate their services. Member guided trips are great values for our newer members. Contact Dave Stolecki here if you can help.
The days are getting longer and warmer. Bass and bluegill turn on at lower elevation, and nearby locations. That’s why our recent speakers have focused on them 30-60 days before they start to be red hot. This is the time to consider restocking your fly box. Bluegills will eat almost any trout fly, and smaller poppers or spiders as well. Dry flies, wet flies or soft hackles, and small wooly buggers. For bass, you can use some Gurglers, poppers or frogs, streamers, Wooly Bugger, leach or dragon flies.
This is also a good time to renew your membership as you will be dropped from the active roles if not renewed on time. Dues were due on Jan 1. As a Board of Directors, we feel that the real attraction of our club meetings is in the social time and presentations. So I am endeavoring to speed up and shorten the business meeting portions. Let me know how it is working.
To purchase your 2025 Annual Dinner tickets, please click here.
Let’s meet on the water.
Mike McKinley, GBF President
New on the GBF site:
- The 2025 fishouts and classes/workshops calendar is nearly complete. Have a look here and here for more info. and to register.
- A reminder that all historic FLY TYING JAM recipes back to May of 2017 are available here in a single location under the Fly Tying menu tab. New to fly tying? Check out the educational links at the top of that page.
- A list of all GBF past presidents all the way back to 1985 can be found here.
- A list of GBF member achievers for the Fly Fishers International Fly Casting Skills Development Program is now available here.
- Collectors and aficionados of vintage rods and reels will now find contact info for long-time expert Jim Adams of Adams Angling on the GBF Links page under Vintage Fly Gear, Books and More. A good source to check the value of granddads vintage fly gear.
Dinner Tickets Reserved | |
“Sure, it was your idea and your fly, but he caught the big fish. Remember, fairness is a human idea largely unknown in nature.”
~ John Gierach, Death, Taxes, and Leaky Waders, 2000.
The March Leader
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Article of the Month
Tips & Trivia: Myths, Legends, Lies, & Other Fishing Facts – Ralph Cutter, California Fly Fisher