by Paul Egan


Phone: (916) 640-5126




This Item is one not only the tier will like but any one that cleans the house will like also. A trimmings basket sure has saved me a lot of vacuum bags and scolding. I had seen the trimming bags in the fly shops before but they were too much money. I could put a wastebasket under the table and put my trimmings into it when I cut them off. Then I signed up with Granite Bay Flycasters and took Pete Petersons bass fly tying class. What a mess, feathers and hair everywhere… I saw how his basket worked and had to get my own. When tying a lot of flies or big hairy bugs, even using glues, the basket has become one of my favorite tools. Yes, it is a tool. It keeps the cleanup down to a minimum. All the cut off parts fall right in and when I drip the glue because I use too much I don’t have to worry that it is landing on the table and sticking forever.


Now you could just go to the fly shop and buy one, or, you could read on and see how to make one with stuff you already have right at home.


All you need is:


     1. a wire coat hanger

     2. a pair of wire cutters

     3. a grocery bag (plastic)


First, take the wire cutters and cut the hook off.

Next straighten the coat hanger all the way out.


Now bend 1 to 1 1/2 inches of one end over into a hook.


The hook should be pointing away from you and the long end should be pointing at you.

Take the wire and lay it down with the hook pointing away from you next to the vise.


Extend the hook about 2 inches beyond the vise stand.


Wrap the long end of the wire around the vise stand twice.


Next, move along the wire about nine inches and place a second 90-degree angle in the wire. It should look somewhat like a U at this point.


Now move along the wire away from you until you are in line with the hook at the other end and place a third 90-degree angle in the wire, this should form a square.

Bend a second hook in the end of the wire and slip one over the other.


Place a grocery bag in the square and stretch the edges around the wire and you are ready to tie and cut away.


Unlike the fancy one from the shop you can throw the bag away when it gets all stuck with glue.



Great tying and bent rods to all.




Please write back with any comments, suggestions or tips of your own that you would like to share with us:


Write to:           Beyond the Vise

                        c/o Granite Bay Flycasters

                        4120 Douglas Blvd, #306-356

                        Granite Bay, CA 95746-5936      


Or E-mail to: (please put “beyond the vise” in the subject line)

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